Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Rain down on me

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Today was one of those days where I am glad that having a dog forces me to go out, even when it is cold and dreary and the clouds are filled with water.

It had been a rainy afternoon where Trudi sat and stared out the window wondering when she could go out and me, telling her patiently every 10 minutes, "not yet, it's still raining". Finally although the clouds were still spitting drizzle, neither of us could wait any longer and off we went to the schoolyard down the street.

After 15 minutes of me trying to get my dog to fetch and play in the puddles (which she detests), the red brick school building began to glow a warm pink gold, the kind of colour I have only seen in Denmark. And before I knew it, a full rainbow fell on us, set against the most brilliant sunset sky.To the north, the sky shone gold, and to the south, purple pink. Beautiful, heartwarming and well deserving of a blog post!


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