Saturday, August 29, 2009

Roskilde Festival part 3

Roskilde goes green

In 1994, the environment at Roskilde Festival became the object of an environmental survey for the first time. In connection with this, an actual environmental policy containing four main strategies was defined: (source)

. Use of resources must be reduced as much as possible
. Environmental friendly products must be used when technically and financially
possible, and to the extent that they do not represent any health hazard
. The festival must aim at a maximum level of waste recycling
. Utmost consideration must be paid to security - and the audience’s and
volunteers’ health conditions

As the 2009 Climate Conference in Copenhagen draws closer, organized events or activities throughout Denmark have in tandem, developed stronger green conscious campaigns. At Roskilde, Green Footsteps ,a campaign with initiatives that focused upon transport, electricity, food and waste was successfully implemented this year. This included a green community camping area, Odeon, the sustainable stage, a refund collection project, and several activities around the festival grounds.

Read more about it here.

Lineup at one of the can refund stations only 4 days after the festival grounds opened.
Denmark is known for it's cycling culture. As part of green footsteps, you could cycle to charge your mobile phone battery.
Climate community at the west camping grounds where many non-profit environmental organizations such as NOAH, friends of the Earth were located.

Going green also extended in many other ways...




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