Monday, December 17, 2007

Why Denmark?


Denmark... why move to a country where taxes are as high as 59%? Why leave Toronto with a reputation as one of the leading cities in multiculturalism, for Tiny Copenhagen, not known for easily integrating outsiders and immigrant culture? Is it the Danish bicycle culture I love, the cosy, "hygge" way of life or the goal to provide 30% of the country's power through their wind-turbine program. All questions I, also ask myself...

The Toronto Star published an interesting article on Sunday, December 16th titled, What we can Learn from Denmark. Having been actively involved with Architecture for Humanity Toronto in the last year and frustrated by the urban planning struggles in Toronto, this piece of writing by Christopher Hume sums everything up quite nicely.

There are so many reasons why I am interested in Denmark. Take for instance, the VM houses (main photo from the Star article) which is a brilliant example of pushing the limits to embrace change, not to mention an architectural site I got to visit and tour through!

VM Building

VM Building

VM Building

VM Building

Off course, not much will beat the firsthand experience I had there summer of 2006. Add to that, the number of inexplicable reasons that only make sense to me and the number of concidential experiences that happened the last few years.

So, skal to future Danish adventures! Copenhagen, here I come soon enough. Vi ses snart.



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