Sunday, December 9, 2007

Green Building in an Urban Setting, an AFHTO Success

Outside of my 9-5 job, I have been working hard for a non-profit group, Architecture for Humanity (AFH)Toronto. On Monday, November 26, our organization successfully hosted the first of four lectures on "Building Sustainability", this one focusing on "Green Building in an Urban Setting".

(To see more photos of this event by Alan Joson, please visit his site.)

The lecture took place at the Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Arts where we were fortunate to have the use of the beautiful Terrace Room.
AFH Lecture: Green Building in an Urban Setting

The turn-out for the evening blew us away when 150 people arrived despite the heavy rain and wind. The line-up to sign-in grew quickly and even though we rushed 40 extra chairs in, we hit the maximum capacity allowed in the space and are very sorry to have had to turn 40 people back out into the rain.

(The following photos were taken by Laurence Bortnick)

AFH Lecture: Green Building in an Urban SettingAFH Lecture: Green Building in an Urban Setting

AFH Lecture: Green Building in an Urban Setting

Finally, at 6:45pm, we started with introductions by the fabulous and well-spoken David Snaith,

AFH Lecture: Green Building in an Urban Setting

followed by an interesting and inspiring talk by Dr. David Moses.AFH Lecture: Green Building in an Urban Setting

Here is a recorded podcast of this lecture, courtesy of the Gardiner Museum.

AFH Lecture: Green Building in an Urban Setting

The evening ended with a question and answer period.

In collaboration with the Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition, The next lecture "Manufacturing Neighbourhoods" will take place on Monday, February 25. Hope to see you there, and please come early!

Acknowledgements: Thanks to...

AFH members Lee, David , Bruce, Lisa, Chris, Claire, Mar Mar, Rachel, Abril,and Heather for all your dedication. The hours of time we all spent to work through the publicity, fund raising, sponsorship, flyer making and all other extraneous details is well rewarded. I think I can say the meetings weren't for nothing.

Diane, Siobhan and Liz from the Gardiner for all their help in promoting the event and ensuring that the evening went off without a hitch.

The Toronto Society of Architects and lecture attendees for their support and contribution.

Jeremy for videotaping the event, and Laurence and Alan for the photography.

All my friends who made it in early and got a seat. It made a difference to me to have you there. Special acknowledgment to the ECS clan for making it to the front door. Next time I promise you won't get turn away.

Our website is finally up. Please visit it for more information about Architecture for Humanity Toronto. We welcome you to join our mailing list or become an active member.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank-you so much for everything, Kat! And your blog looks more professional than our website - I'll have to work on that- mind if I copy and paste?


December 10, 2007 at 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very (!) professional, complete, and concise.
i can't think of an improvement anywhere;


December 12, 2007 at 10:29 AM  
Blogger Katrina Lee said...

Bloggin is easy. The lecture on the other hand took all of us to make it happen! Thanks!

December 12, 2007 at 10:39 AM  

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