Thursday, November 29, 2007


My birthday is on Saturday December 1st. It's a good time to be born, just past dreary and dark November, not too close to the commercialism and chaos of Christmas and with a fresh new year fast approaching. Here is something from this week's NOW magazine in celebration of turning 35 but also in light of many experiences and recent events the past year and life of kleejourneys.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 Dec 21 "I need a strategy for bringing constructive change into my life on an ongoing basis," a Sagittarian reader named Ursula wrote to me. "I want to figure out how to arrange for a never-ending series of gentle wake-up calls. When that happens, I will have mastered the sinewy magic of being permanently unstuck. I will have made it a habit to be highly alert and wildly responsive in the most relaxed ways possible. The world will look completely different to me then; reality itself will have mutated. I won't cling to little scraps of hope that make me feel secure, but will instead be on the prowl for fresh challenges that constantly expand my love for life." Ursula's longing is a brilliant articulation of what I think all of you Sagittarians should quest for in the coming weeks.

(I will kindly accept any birthday wishes on this day!)



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